
Showing posts with the label #trust30


Tonight I spent a wonderful night with the guys from the extreme tour at a friend's house.  They are playing a concert at my church tomorrow from 7-9 pm and my friend is hosting them. My wife and I decided to spend the evening with them. I was utterly surprised by what they planned to do.  When I originally agreed and got the backing for them to come I just thought a couple of bands were coming out to play, but what I got was so much more.  The leaders  spent the afternoon driving through our church community and praying about their effect.  These guys consider themselves musicianaires, musicians and missionaries, and more than just playing music tomorrow night, they are here to win souls to Christ.  I planned for our Summer Kick-Off tomorrow to just be a way for families to get together and build relationships, but now I think there is a real chance for lives to be changed forever by Jesus. I am so excited to see what God is going to do in our community!  I once quoted Rob

Five Years in the Making

Today's #trust30 post asks what I would say to myself 5 years ago and what I would like to say to my future self 5 years from now. To myself 5 years ago I would say it gets better.  I was burnt out and worn out from a long grueling year, one of the hardest of my life.  I would also tell myself to continue to focus on learning and relationships because you never know when the next season of your life begins.  It could all change with a phone call.  Lastly I would say go for it.  Don't hold back and take the opportunities in front of you.  You never know what God has in store. To myself 5 years from now I would say to keep your priorities straight and in the right order.  There will be much more going on in my life in 5 years and a lot more opportunities.  Remember to spend time with everyone you love because you never know when they will be gone.  Also love your wife and do something nice for her.  She deserves it. It's weird to talk to your future self.  I have so man

Dare to Move

Today's #trust30 post is about going after a goal and overcoming the obstacles. It has always been my goal to pursue higher learning.  Even though I just earned my bachelor's degree last year, It has never been my intention to stop there.  So why have I stopped after a year and half?  Several obstacles are in my way: I work 2 jobs so I almost have no free time to pursue a degree My wife is in school pursuing her bachelor's degree so there is a already a financial burden I'm not sure of the cost or the financial aid that is available for advanced degrees I haven't decided which path to take, math, education, ministry? There are too many options  So here is my plan:  First I need to get a job that can support my family so that I can have prioritize my time effectively.  Second, I am going to wait for my wife to get her degree so that we don't have to pay double for books.  While she is in school I will continue to do some soul searching and decide which de

One Week to Live

  #Trust30 post for the day. Here goes: If you had one week left to live, would you still be doing what you’re doing now? In what areas of your life are you preparing to live? Take them off your To Do list and add them to a To Stop list. Resolve to only do what makes you come alive. If I only had one week to live I would stop working at Sam's club.  As much as I enjoy working there and helping people, I love working in ministry so much more.  I am only doing it to continue to support my family.  I would also leave for the mission field as I said in yesterday's post and go to Russia.  There is so much adventure out there and I feel as though I am stuck here because of obligations I and others have put on me.  I am preparing to make a change.  It takes wisdom to do the right thing at the right time, and that is precisely what I aim to do.  I want to solve problems in the world and discover all the incredible facets of different cultures and interactions between them.

Travel the World

Here is the latest writing prompt from #trust30:  (I took the day off yesterday, so no post) Not everyone wants to travel the world, but most people can identify at least one place in the world they’d like to visit before they die. Where is that place for you, and what will you do to make sure you get there? The one place I would love to go is Moscow, Russia.   I don't know what it is, but I have always wanted to go there and especially see the Kremlin.  I have always been fascinated by Russian culture, it's history, famous authors, scientists, architecture.  But what most interests me are the people.  I can read every book, look at every picture, listen to every song, but never get a true feeling of the culture, unless I meet them and get to know them. This brings me to how I will get there.  I will go on a missions trip to Russia.  Most people would like to travel there as a tourist, but I think you miss what is really going on.  On a missions trip, a trip where you se

Something Greater

I didn't really like the prompt for today, but since this is a 30 day writing challenge I figured I should write something, so here goes. Do you ever get the feeling that there should be something more?  something greater?  A higher calling?  Or, on a similar note, that people are involved in something and because of your circumstances you are left behind?  Sometimes I find myself with these feelings.  Yesterday I posted about opportunities covered by the mundane.  It is so easy to be caught up in the quagmire of everyday life that we forget to look around us.  Forget about the people who care for us.  The mission, job, project, task that God has given us.  Our culture screams if you want it bad enough you can have it.  While I agree with this to an extent, we can forget what is right in front of us.  As the wise old Yoda told us about young Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars reference) "He was too focused on the future, not on the present and not on what he was doing." 

A Sentence to Describe Today

Here is day 2 of the #trust30 challenge. Enjoy! If ‘the voyage of the best ship is a zigzag line of a hundred tracks,’ then it is more genuine to be present today than to recount yesterdays. How would you describe today using only one sentence?  Tell today’s sentence to one other person. Repeat each day. Today is a day filled with opportunities draped in the mundane nuances of business as usual.

Trust Yourself Writing Challenge

In an effort to make me a better writer the next 30 days I am taking part in a writing challenge hosted by the Domino Project and Seth Godin.  Even though I usually use the blog to post things about politics, religion, my views, the next 30 days will be spent writing what the prompts give me.  If you want to know more about the project you can read about it here . I'm excited about the challenge so here goes... *Note,  I was going to post the story I wrote for the day, but I think it was a little too private for the public.  Maybe someday I will post it.  Tomorrow's will make it to the blog.