
Showing posts from August, 2012

My How the World has Changed

I read a Facebook post that my former boss, pastor, and mentor, Steve Lambert, passed away one year ago today.   If you know his story , we knew that day was coming soon.  Now, a year later with a new job in a new state with all new friends, I look back and am amazed at all the great things God has done. Within a few short weeks of Pastor Lambert passing, I moved to Montgomery to start a new ministry position at Evangel Church.  I didn't know what God was going to do, but now as I look back, I see God's answers to so many prayers. I and my family were in a tough spot in Clearwater.  Conflict was around every corner and uncertainty colored every decision.  I was determined, however to follow God's leading and trust that everything was in his hands. I look forward to walking with God and praising Him when prayers are answered.  I will follow that old 90's cliche F.R.O.G. (Forever Rely On God) because with Him nothing is impossible. Look back to where you were a y

Praising God in Spite of your Success

Success is awesome.  Having a bunch of people telling you how great a job you're doing gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling and can cause you to ride high for days.  I love to hear it and love to give it. However, there is a downside.  It can all go to your head.  God can bring you to a place, give you opportunity, prepare you with the necessary skills and walk with you all the way, then when it all comes together, you drop God faster than flaming hot lump of coal from the furnace.  How do I know?  I've done it more times than I care to tell. Recently in my prayer time, God reminded me to not forget who I'm doing all this for.  Who am I working for really?  Who made all this possible?  Who put me in this place with these people with this skill set? God did. Facing the Giants had the same concept.  In everything they did they praised Him.  I know this is churchy and I cringe at the phrasing, but the truth remains. Let God work through you and in you, but when