
Showing posts from September, 2012

How to Complete Big Projects

Big projects.  It seems that I live my professional life from one big project to the next.  Each new event or change is another big project.  I love it. However many people don't.  They get overwhelmed by the daunting tasks.  They get so nervous about the monumental project that they never begin or they get so wrapped up in all the little details that they quit halfway through.  I've faced both of these extremes, but sometimes you just have to get things done.  You have to grit your teeth, buckle down and get dirty. Here are some of the things I've learned that help me complete those big projects. 1. Set a deadline.   I don't know about you, but if I don't have a set time to complete a task, it may never get done.  We need to set a reasonable timeline to accomplish our goals.  Some projects can be done in a few minutes, others a few years.  Either way think about how long you will need to accomplish the goal and set a time limit.  You'll be surprised at

You Only Have One Shot

from A few Sundays ago, we gave the Gospel message along with an opportunity to become a Christian.  We had 9 children raise their hands to signify they were ready to accept Christ.  I am so excited that God moved, and we had so many come to Christ.  Let me caution you, however.  All of these salvations were in second service.  I didn’t have a single one in first.  In fact, I didn’t even offer because I knew they weren’t paying attention.  I justified this misstep by saying that they were all saved anyway.  They already know the story of Jesus crucifixion.  They were bored.  All of these may be true, but may I offer another reason?  I wasn’t ready.  I spent my pre-service time socializing. I didn’t double check my tech.  I didn’t show my sound person what she needed to do.  I didn’t even go over what I was talking about that morning.  The last time I even looked at it was the Thursday before.  As a result, I had to break up the flow of the service to loa