
What I Read in 2017

This year, was a much different list of books than I've read before.  I've learned that reading all non-fiction all the time can get boring and tedious.  So, I read more fiction than I've read since probably High School. It's a nice mini-vacation. In addition, I started writing book reviews for the AG Kidmin blog, which means I read a lot more children's ministry and spirituality books than I normally would have.  Here's my list: Smart Money Smart Kids by Rachel Cruze  Growing young by Kara Powell  The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson  Asohka by E. K. Johnston  The Daniel plan by Rick Warren  Framework Leadership by Kent Ingle  Well Versed by James Garlow  Do Over by Jon Acuff  Spreading the Fire by Scott Wilson  5 Levels of Leadership by John Maxwell  Foundations of Children's Evangelism by Dick Gruber  Clear the Stage by Scott Wilson  Rebel Rising by Beth Revis  Finish by Jon Acuff  Whisper by Mark Batterson What did you read in 201

Video Game Console Buying Guide 2017

With so many consoles out there and video games becoming a major part of the American childhood experience, many parents are asking which one should I get for my kids? As a lifelong gamer, I know the challenges and the overwhelming amount of information that's out there, so I'm creating this guide to help you make an informed decision for your kids this Christmas. First of all you should know that many console bundles that include a game and accessories are available usually for a reduced price. Also almost all consoles come with the following features: Online Connectivity Parental Controls At least 1 Controller Apps such as Netflix and Hulu 1. Nintendo Switch   Cost: $299.99 Free web: yes Kid Friendly: 5/5 Recommended games: Mario Kart 8 , Super Mario Odyssey , Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild If your kids are under the age of 10, this is the best system for your family.  It has fun, easy, and safe games for your whole family. This is Ninten

Mentoring Kids to Serve in Ministry

A few years ago, I read Brian Dollar’s book,  I Blew It . In one chapter he talks about investing in the next generation and mentoring kids to serve. I had done this in my previous church, but I wasn’t happy with the curriculum, so I contacted Brian and ordered his curriculum. I went through it and thought about how to work it into my church context and made some adjustments. I started my first class, called K-Team, a few months later with 12 students. Four of them— still to this day, five years later—have major roles in the children’s ministry. They serve as some of our main children’s church worship leaders and presenters. I believe you can do this too. You have kids in your ministry right now who God is calling into full-time ministry. You have other kids who will be lifelong servants. Either way, we want all our kids to have an authentic lifelong faith in Jesus Christ. Mentoring them to serve in ministry is one of the most surefire ways to do that. But how? Here are five ste

5 Things I Learned Switching from Group VBS to Orange VBS

This summer I decided to make the switch from Group VBS to Orange VBS. I knew this was going to be a big change for everyone. I've done Group for almost 20 years. It's the only VBS I knew and the only one I've led. I even got to be a part of a focus group for Group a few years ago. A few years ago, I transitioned my children's ministry to the Orange curriculum. I loved the strategy, my small group leaders loved the simplicity of following the curriculum, and my kids loved all the fun they were having. When I started at my church almost 6 years ago, they held several VBS programs in the past but they were hit and miss over the past 10 years, so I had a clean slate and did what I knew by bringing Group VBS to them. Group helped us grow from a VBS of 100 kids to over 300. They were great to us. However, I wanted to be more strategic and I loved the fact that the Orange VBS theme lined up with the summer series. So, I casted vision, laid the groundwork,

Make Room for God a Serve Team Training

Recently, I was given the opportunity to what it means to make room for God at Evangel's Annual Serve Team Training. We talked about 3 ways we can make room for God by Meeting for prayer before services.  Looking for divine appointments during the serve. Celebrating what God has done at the end. Download notes I'll post about putting on a training event for your volunteers at a later date.

Foundations of Children’s Evangelism Book Review: Center Focus on Leading Kids to Christ

I’ve worked in children’s ministry for a long time, but there was a time when I had my doubts about whether or not I should pursue it as a profession. I was leading as interim elementary coordinator at my church while in Master’s Commission. I loved making the kids laugh and sing and was having a blast. However, after a few months the emotional high of performing on stage began to wane. The new children’s pastor came in, loved what I was doing, and requested that I stay on as a member of his team. I told him I would finish out the calendar year, but after that I would be done. A month before my departure, the children’s pastor gave an altar call, and I led a child to Christ. I had prayed with other kids before, but this one was different. I had invested in this kid for years, and he came specifically to me, wanting to accept Christ for the first time. I was hooked. Since that time I had led many kids to Christ, but some questions remained: What is “the age of accountability”?

Two Awesome Plans, One Big Mistake

Sometimes you plan something awesome, and you have unintended negative consequences. This happened to me on Sunday. We had a dance off in both elementary services and the winning group got to sit in the "VIP" section and get a free soda and candy. A little more than I usually give, but it helped illustrate the sermon for the day. Also, because it was promotion Sunday, we gave a coupon away to all the Kindergarteners and First Graders. A one time thing, but the kids love it. Two awesome plans. One big mistake. When we held the dance off in first service, the K-2 boys won. In second service, the First Graders won.  Do you see what happened? I didn't until a mom pointed it out to me. I gave 3(!) 20oz sodas and 2(!) bags of skittles to first grade boys in the span of 3 hours. Bad call, children's pastor, bad call. I'm told one first grade boy was still wired at 7pm that night. I've apologized to several affected moms and explained t