
5 Easy Steps to Set Goals and Meet Them

Goal-setting. It seems like such a simple concept, but how many of us do it regularly and/or successfully? Our bosses talk about sales goals and making our quota. Our teachers in high school and college talk about it like we already have them laid out, and TV is always talking about our financial goals before we call their company. For some, goal-setting is second nature, for others they know it should be done. and still others, it’s a foreign concept. So whether you’ve been setting goals all your life or you have no idea how, here are five easy steps for you to set goals and actually meet them. Your goal must be specific and must be measurable. When I ran my half marathon, I had to set a clear goal. It wasn’t enough for me to say, “I’m going to go running to get into shape.” I had to say, “I’m going to run a 13.1 mile race by finishing and not coming in last.” When we set goals, it is far too easy to be vague. For instance, “I’m going to lose weight.” Once I set th

10 Leadership Lessons From General George Patton

I recently had some time on my hands and got to watch one of my favorite movies, Patton.  It's the story of 4 star General George Patton and his exploits during World War 2. Written by Francis Ford Coppola and Edmund H. North, it's based on the biography,  Patton: Ordeal and Triumph  by Ladislas Farago and Omar Bradley's memoir  A Soldier's Story.   If you know anything about Patton, you know that he was a great leader.  He had many faults that got him into trouble frequently, but no one can argue with his numerous victories including his most heroic at the Battle of the Bulge .  So here are 10 things we can learn from General Patton. Honor your men . Patton was quick to give out recognition and even medals for valor.  He made it clear frequently his appreciation for their sacrifice and heroism. Keep an eye the big picture . Leaders can see all the moving parts and how they fit together. However, many leaders make the mistake of watching just the big picture or

3 Easy Ways to Invite Someone to Church

This Christmas is an excellent time to invite someone to church.  But if you're like me, you don't go into every situation thinking about inviting someone.  However in normal conversation, people they will give you clues that they are receptive to invite.  Once we learn to recognize them, we will have much greater success and may even change someone's life. When people say any of these three things, that's your cue to invite them to church. I like to call them the "Three Nots" Not prepared for it.  Murphy's law says that anything that can go wrong will go wrong and that just seems more apparent in the Christmas season.  The church provides a wonderful place for support and encouragement during these times.  So when someone says they just weren't prepared, that's a great chance to invite them to church. Not going well.  During the Holidays we all want things to go perfectly.  Whether it's something trivial like a cold or serious like the

Lead with Passion

In today's world, we are told over and over again to follow our passions, but is that always wise?  Just a few weeks ago, we talked about being the best in the world , and I shared how I will probably never be an olympic athlete, a ninja warrior, or the world's strongest man.  However at the beginning every season of American Idol, thousands of people line up to follow their passions, and thousands leave with their hearts broken. Quite the contrary, we have the amazing opportunity to take those passions and apply it to something that we actually can do. Every industry is looking for passion.  You're not going to buy a car from someone who doesn't care.  You complain when the waiter lacks consideration.  You leave frustrated when your team misses  a great opportunity. Passion is what makes the difference. A passionate car salesman will make you feel like you got the best deal.  A passionate waiter will create an impeccable dining experience.  A passionate spor

The Power of Serving in Your Passions

When talking about great churches, figuring out what drives them is very different from what drives a great business. Business’s have shareholders and trade on the stock exchange. Churches don’t examine profits and hand out bonuses to the people who helped make it happen. The same goes for us. You don’t have annual shareholder meeting with yourself to talk about what you did in the past year and what your plans are for the next. So what can we measure? Jesus said that man cannot serve both God and money . We will inevitably despise the one and love the other. If we are Christian, I would hope that we would choose to love God and despise money instead of the other way around. Thus, measuring how much money we made at the end of the year or even how much we saved, would be serving money instead of God, and ultimately, fruitless. Therefore, we must choose to serve God. To do so, we have two options. We can serve God by doing something we truly love or we can do something beca

Be the Best in the World

When we're kids we all think we are the best in the world at something.  What little boy doesn't dream of pitching in the bottom of the ninth in game seven of the world series?  Somewhere along the way, reality hits, and we realize that's probably not going to happen. But here's the good news.  We can be the best in the world, at something. First I need to define what I mean by “the world.” I don’t mean Earth. That’s far too large and hard to grasp. There will always someone who is better. However, I do mean your world. Your circle of influence. Your friends, family, and co-workers. You can be the best problem solver in your job. Sure, there are great problem solvers at the next place, but your circle doesn’t know them. They know you, and they come to you for answers. This is what it means to be the best in the world.* To really answer this question you have to understand 2 things. The thing that you are the best in the world and everything else that

5 Ways to Beat Frustration

This past week, I left work frustrated. I worked really hard on my children's ministry Facebook page throughout the week and all of 8 people saw all of my posts. 8! out of 186! I just wanted to throw in the towel. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has felt like this. You've done everything you can do and it seems like nothing helps.  So here are five ways I've found to beat frustration. Do something else for a little while.  When I got home that night, I was full of the blues, so I volunteered to go grocery shopping with my wife.  Just getting my mind of things released some of the tension. When you feel super frustrated don't keep pushing.  Take some time off and do something else.  The solution might present itself when you come back. Exercise. It's amazing what a little physical activity can do for you.  I run frequently, so the next morning, I put on my running shoes and my headphones and took off.  It was refreshing and energizing. Studie