
Showing posts from December, 2012

Love Your Neighbor

Courtesy Getty Images You know, a lot of times we get wrapped up in the holidays and forget about what's most important.  I don't know about you, but since I work with kids every week in Church, it's kind of impossible to forget about Jesus.  But let's not take away from what Jesus told us to do.  He told us to love the Lord with every part of us and to love our neighbors as ourselves. When Jesus was asked who was our neighbor, he told them the story of the  Good Samaritan.   He then told the people to go and do likewise.  To be honest, many times this element of the Christmas story is lost on me.  So often, I get so excited about what I'm going to receive, I forget to think about anyone else, especially those less fortunate. After the Christmas Eve service, a lady came up to me to thank me.  I've seen her before, but didn't know her name or her kids.  She thanked me that we, the church, gave her Christmas.  She had just left the hospital because of

How to Set a Goal and Keep It

Ever had trouble setting goals and keeping them?  You're not the only one.  Here are some quick steps you can take to meet those goals you know you can. Courtesy Getty Images I love goals.  I've been setting and completing them for as long as I can remember.  I find I have a hard time completing any task without setting a goal.  I thought everyone was like this, but when I asked my team to create goals for their departments they were lost.  They had no idea even where to start.  So here 5 easy steps to setting and keeping your goals. Begin with the end in mind If you've ever read Steven Covey's book " The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People ," you know this is one of them.  We all need to use a little imagination and envision what our desired outcome will be before we begin any task.  For example, as a new year's resolution, I set as a goal to run a 10k race.  The days spent on the treadmill and out on the road were long and sometimes grueling.  

Video Game Console Buying Guide

With so many consoles out there and video games becoming a major part of the American childhood experience, many parents are asking which one should I get for my kids? As a lifelong gamer, I know the challenges and the overwhelming amount of information that's out there, so I'm creating this guide to help you make an informed decision for your kids this Christmas. First of all you should know that all consoles come with the following features: Online Connectivity Parental Controls At least 1 Controller At least 1 Game Apps such as Netflix and Hulu 1. Nintendo Wii  Cost: $149.99 Free web: yes Kid Friendly: 5/5 Recommended games: Mario Kart, Wii Sports/Resort, New Super Mario Brothers If your kids are under the age of 10, this is the best system for your family.  It has fun, easy, and safe games for your whole family and it's easy on your wallet at only $149.99 making it the cheapest of all the consoles. Even though the next generation console the Wii U ca