
Make Room for God a Serve Team Training

Recently, I was given the opportunity to what it means to make room for God at Evangel's Annual Serve Team Training. We talked about 3 ways we can make room for God by Meeting for prayer before services.  Looking for divine appointments during the serve. Celebrating what God has done at the end. Download notes I'll post about putting on a training event for your volunteers at a later date.

Foundations of Children’s Evangelism Book Review: Center Focus on Leading Kids to Christ

I’ve worked in children’s ministry for a long time, but there was a time when I had my doubts about whether or not I should pursue it as a profession. I was leading as interim elementary coordinator at my church while in Master’s Commission. I loved making the kids laugh and sing and was having a blast. However, after a few months the emotional high of performing on stage began to wane. The new children’s pastor came in, loved what I was doing, and requested that I stay on as a member of his team. I told him I would finish out the calendar year, but after that I would be done. A month before my departure, the children’s pastor gave an altar call, and I led a child to Christ. I had prayed with other kids before, but this one was different. I had invested in this kid for years, and he came specifically to me, wanting to accept Christ for the first time. I was hooked. Since that time I had led many kids to Christ, but some questions remained: What is “the age of accountability”?

Two Awesome Plans, One Big Mistake

Sometimes you plan something awesome, and you have unintended negative consequences. This happened to me on Sunday. We had a dance off in both elementary services and the winning group got to sit in the "VIP" section and get a free soda and candy. A little more than I usually give, but it helped illustrate the sermon for the day. Also, because it was promotion Sunday, we gave a coupon away to all the Kindergarteners and First Graders. A one time thing, but the kids love it. Two awesome plans. One big mistake. When we held the dance off in first service, the K-2 boys won. In second service, the First Graders won.  Do you see what happened? I didn't until a mom pointed it out to me. I gave 3(!) 20oz sodas and 2(!) bags of skittles to first grade boys in the span of 3 hours. Bad call, children's pastor, bad call. I'm told one first grade boy was still wired at 7pm that night. I've apologized to several affected moms and explained t

Must Have Leadership Building Blocks: A Framework Leadership Book Review

When I first started working in children’s ministry as a part-time bi-vocational pastor, I was so excited to finally work with kids every week. I looked forward to the fun we would have and the lessons we would learn as we explored the Bible together. Alas, I learned quickly that this is not always the case. If you’ve been full time, part time, or even a volunteer leader in children’s ministry, you know exactly what I’m talking about. A typical week is spent planning, recruiting, organizing, scheduling, and juggling more balls than we care to count. It’s a tough job, and no one should do it alone. What you need is a team and a plan. Our kids are our future, and we can’t take that lightly by using a few puppets and adding baking soda to vinegar (again) to make our point. The problem is that many children’s workers I’ve met don’t know how to lead an organization. This was my challenge, and I’m sure many of you lack these skills as well. Framework Leadership by Kent Ingle gives

When Your Kids Don't Know

"We don't know!" That's what a Rainbow exclaimed Wednesday night during the Mpact Award Ceremony when asked what their club colors are. It provided a great laugh and little bit of embarrassment for the parent and his teacher. It reminds me of a truth about working with kids that you know if you've been working with them for longer than 6 months. They'll say just about anything and tell you they remember nothing. It's a problem for teachers all around that brings frustration and sometimes laughter, but that doesn't mean we should just give up. On the contrary we should keep working because the message does get through...eventually. The truth is, as we all found out shortly after the Rainbow's proclamation, is that the kids did know their colors and what they mean. If you're working in children's ministry, you're training kids to have a life-long faith. Sometimes we think it's going to be this big meaningful thing we've p

My First Small Group Leader Focus Group

We’ve been doing Orange for about 2 years and made the transition to small groups 5 years ago. Growing up in the traditional children’s church model of Sunday School and Large group, it has been an uphill battle understanding what it takes to lead a quality small group that focuses on relationship over content and teach others to do the same. One of the hardest principles of Lead Small is Partner with Parents. I know it’s a great idea, and I use the tools that 252 provides for take homes, but I wasn’t confident that my SGL’s were connecting with their few or their parents outside of Sunday morning. One of the things I love about Weekly is their weekly to do lists. I don’t do everything on the list, but it’s great to get some ideas. Recently, they listed a small group leader focus group. I loved all the questions and how it gave me a plan to get a pulse on what my small group leaders were thinking. I’ve learned that unless you put something on the calendar it won’t happe

How I Chased the Lion: A Personal Review of Mark Batterson's New Book

Eight years ago my lead pastor said something I will never forget. He had just cast the vision to go multisite and had received approval from the board. I was ecstatic for the upcoming challenges and the “prestige” of becoming a children’s pastor of multiple campuses. As we were walking to the children’s area, I started to share with him my plans for the ministry when he abruptly stopped me. He said, “David, I’m not planning on you being the children’s pastor of both campuses. You have to grow in leadership before I can trust you to do that. You will probably just be here at this campus.” I’ll be honest. That knocked me down a couple of pegs. I was devastated to say the least, but the dream was born. It was big. It was scary. It was roaring at me like a 500-pound lion. I didn’t know what to do or where to go, but I knew I had my marching orders. What is your 500-pound dream? What is the one thing you know God has called you to do? Does it scare you? If so, good. Is it risky?