
Showing posts with the label sabbath

Taking a Sabbath

Sabbath. It's a funny word.  Unfortunately, this word is buried deep in the Christianese lexicon, and not many people actually practice this very important spiritual discipline. When I was in my third year of Master's Commission, I was given a lot of responsibility and found myself with a very large workload.  So much so, that I stopped taking a day off.  Monday, which was supposed to be my off day, was filled with planning, writing, and studying.  I had cut all the fun out of my life to get the job done. I loved it for the first few months, but after after 3 months of consistently working 16 hour days, I broke.  I couldn't do it anymore.  Something had to give. I just didn't know what.  Thankfully God knew exactly what I needed. While driving back home to Georgia for Thanksgiving, I listened to Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell .  I got to the chapter called Tassels.  I wept for the next 3 hours.  I realized I had been sinning for months.  I had neglected the fourth co